Example using entry #1: One day AI_WHEEL finds a [day/night] day, night, Example using entry #1: large [size adjective] large, small, Example using entry #1: blue [color] blue, red, yellow, green, brown, purple, Example using entry #1: wolf [main object] wolf, female, pond, plant, bird, dead wolf, cooked wolf, fish, flower, music, Example using entry #1: AI_WHEEL plants the [main action] plants, eats, polls, waters, kisses, cooks, hunts, applys, ignors, grabs, Example using entry #1: with a spear and [primary tools] spear, hand, canteen, plow, fuel, wrench, rose, lamp, rock, net, Example using entry #1: flame [second tool or element] flame, manure, rope, H2O, herbs, a song, a growl, smile, , dog, One day AI_WHEEL finds a {ANY} {ANY} wolf AI_WHEEL hunts the wolf with a spear and dog Value granted 0 dead wolf Law #: 1 One {ANY} AI_WHEEL finds a {ANY} {ANY} dead wolf AI_WHEEL cooks the dead wolf with a fuel and flame Value granted 0 cooked wolf Law #: 2 One {ANY} AI_WHEEL finds a {ANY} {ANY} cooked wolf AI_WHEEL eats the cooked wolf with a hand and herbs Value granted 99 disappear Law #: 3 One night AI_WHEEL finds a large {ANY} female AI_WHEEL kisses the female with a rose and a song Value granted 0 flower Law #: 4 One night AI_WHEEL finds a {ANY} {ANY} flower AI_WHEEL polls the flower with a hand and smile Value granted 88 music Law #: 5 One {ANY} AI_WHEEL finds a {ANY} green plant AI_WHEEL eats the plant with a hand and herbs Value granted 77 disappear Law #: 6 One night AI_WHEEL finds a {ANY} {ANY} bird AI_WHEEL hunts the bird with a net and flame Value granted 66 disappear Law #: 7 One {ANY} AI_WHEEL finds a {ANY} {ANY} pond AI_WHEEL hunts the pond with a net and a song Value granted 0 fish Law #: 8 One {ANY} AI_WHEEL finds a {ANY} {ANY} fish AI_WHEEL eats the fish with a hand and {ANY} Value granted 77 disappear Law #: 9 One AI_WHEEL finds a AI_WHEEL the with a and Value granted 0 Law #: 10